
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Immersion Assembly

I was so thrilled to come to school today, because I wanted to see my friends. When I trudged through the entrance my friends ran up to me and hugged me. “ oh my gosh I was waiting for you, for long “ shouted Ana.

“The bell rang”, said Ana. We were late for class. So we ran and just made in time. When we got to the hall, I looked around and some of the teachers were wearing costumes , it looked so colorful.

Team 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 did items, but my favourite item was team five’s because it was about primary colours and I love primary colours. The first primary colour was red, Mr barks said that red makes him feel angry.He went at the back of the stage and started to scream as if he was going to fall off the sky tower. The second colour was yellow made him dance. Then the last colour was blue made him cry. The theme of this term is art alive. I think this Term is going to be so much fun.


  1. Great start to term 2 Aldora. I am very pleased to see you have used a variety of sentence types, including speech. You have a hook which tells us how you were felling which is good.

    I would like you to focus on using a variety of sentence beginnings in your next writing piece. As you will see you have used the sames ones most of the way through.

  2. Did you get your image by using the advanced google image search option? I hope the usage rights are ok?

    1. Hi Mr Marks, I forgot how to use advanced search so I just got a picture from Google search.
      Next time I will ask you how to use advanced search.
      From Aldora


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